Well, we here at the *~ Broadway Cafe ~*, in conjunction with the fabulous folks at *~ Lady Guenevere's Enchanted Kingdom ~*, have decided that we do! However, after some serious thought and contemplation (not to mention Cheese Doodles and M & M's!), we came to the conclusion that, with our combined brain power, we still don't know enough to answer all those questions about Impressionist art and the Super Bowl.
But, as always, there is an alternate plan. Being the internet-junkie-theatre-obsessed-computer-geeks we are, we've decided to cash in on the huge trend of internet entrepreneurship and "Get Paid 35 Cents To Click Here!" offers. Between now and February 14th, 2001, we are bound and determined that we will reach the million dollar mark. How will we do that? Well, nobody's really figured that out yet..but inspiration comes to those who procrastinate!
On this site, you'll find a list of our money-making endeavours, as well as a grand total (updated weekly) of how close we're getting to our goal.
How can you help us, you ask? Well, chances are you'll inevitably want to, someday, check out one of the many "Get Paid To Surf" or "Get Rich From Your PC" programs. We'll list here the ones that the members of this project are involved with, and when you sign up through this page, someone here will be getting money for signing you up as a referral. When you begin making money from whatever you've signed up for, e-mail us, and we'll add you (and your earnings) to the page. No, you don't have to actually give your money to us. You certainly can if you like..we are,by and large, destitute students,performers,and other bohemian types.
Also, if you have a mailing list,chat room, or other internet group of interest, and you'd like to have your group join ours, don't hesitate to e-mail. The more,the merrier!
Check back with us at the end of every week for an updated total, and, while you're here, you might as well leave a little note in our guestbook. We'd love to hear from anyone and everyone who came across this bit of silliness. Also, please do click on the banners and advertisements on these pages..they're all part of reaching our lofty goal!